Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Review of Chris Tomlin's Arriving

Next to Watermark's The Purest Place, Chris Tomlin's Arriving has been one of my favorite albums of 2004. It is a project that each time I listen to it, drives me to worship God.

I remember clearly one Sunday morning as I was in my car on the way to church. It had been a difficult week for my family. We were facing a new season in our lives that was uncertain. Yes, we knew that God would take care of us and provide all of our needs, but still it seemed a bit overwhelming that the road ahead was unclear. As I drove, Arriving played in the background and the song "Indescribable" came on. I remember listening to the lyrics of the chorus:

Indescribable, uncontainable
You placed the stars in the sky
And You know them by name
You are amazing, God/All powerful, untamable
Awestruck, we fall to our knees
As we humbly proclaim
You are amazing, God
Suddenly emotion washed over me as I was reminded once again that if God knows the name of all the stars, then surely He was aware of our needs and had good things instore for my family.

The songs on Arriving are destined to become well-sung not only by listeners at home and in their cars, but corporately at churches. They are, as Tomlin says he strives for, clear and simple. It didn't take long before I was able to sing along, not to mention find myself singing the songs later on my own. For example, take "Holy Is the Lord," in which Tomlin sings:
We stand and lift up our hands
For the joy of the Lord is our strength
We bow down and worship Him now
How great, how awesome is He
And together we sing
Holy is the Lord God Almighty
The earth is filled with His glory
The lyrics are pretty basic, yet powerful. Other songs include "How Great Is Our God," "Mighty Is the Power of the Cross," and "You Do All Things Well."

Arriving is an album I would recommend without reservation. And, for those of you looking for a good Christmas gift for a relative or friend, look no further then Arriving.

All quotes taken from Chris Tomlin Arriving PR Materials.

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Background image courtesy Squid Fingers.