Friday, March 4, 2005

Creation as Told to Infants

I purchased God Made Me, the first DVD in FamilyTreeMedia and Integrity Publishers' Baby Faith series, because I wanted my infant daughter to learn at an early age that God loves her and that He made her. The production was an instant hit with her. She loved the puppets, the bright colors, and the music. It definitely held her attention.

My husband, on the other hand, found immediate dislike for the release. He commented that it looked like a something a film student threw together, viewing the DVD as amateurist. He felt that it paled in comparison to Big House Kids' PraiseBaby Collection, which he loved. After seeing how much our daughter enjoyed the video, he softened his response a little. However, he still found the music grating and the images second-rate.

Designed for infants and toddlers ages 0-24 months, God Made Me is "guaranteed to hold baby's attention longer than any other faith-based baby video or your money back." While the release has not proven to hold my daughter's attention longer than PraiseBaby, it has entertained her long enough that I don't feel the need to take the company up on their money back guarantee. Simply seeing her face light up at the puppets and hearing her sing to the music has made this video a valued purchase in my home.

Concept-wise, the video tells the story of Creation, taken from the book of Genesis, in a way that is simple for baby. And, while your infant may not understand the story until an older age, he or she will become familiar with phrases such as "God loves you" and "God made you." Which, in my mind, are foundational concepts for my daughter to learn. The creators have used puppets, hymns, animation, pictures of babies, and moving objects to tell the story. Additionally, the DVD features the voice talents of Jodie Benson, better known as the voice of Disney's The Little Mermaid.

In the end, my daughter enjoyed God Made Me so much, that I purchased the next video in the series God Made Animals. And yes, while the music can be a bit grating after hearing it for the sixth time (not all in one day, mind you), it is a good addition to a baby's video library.

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Background image courtesy Squid Fingers.